Code of Conduct for Judges

Judges must show integrity at all times and individual judges must respect the confidentiality of the bench.

Conflicts of Interest
A member of the Solo Judges Piping Association will not judge a pupil or relative at The Argyllshire Gathering, The Northern Meeting, and Scottish Piping Society of London competitions.

Association members should otherwise avoid judging pupils and relatives at other events if at all possible. It is the member’s responsibility to inform competition organisers of any potential conflict of interest.

A pupil is defined as having received one to one tuition from the Association member over the previous 12 months, including exchange of recordings.
A relative is defined as husband/wife/partner, grandparent/parent/child, sibling, uncle/aunt, first cousin.

If judging a pupil or relative occurs, interest must be declared to fellow judges.

Feedback to Competitors
Judges should be willing to give comment on a performance when asked by a competitor. Critique sheets should be written for graded B, C, and junior competitions if supplied and requested by competition officials. At least one sheet from a joint bench should be written.

Willingness to Judge with others
Judges should be willing to judge with any other judge on the list.

Complaints about Judges
All complaints regarding members of the Association will be directed to the Chairman of the Judges Committee who will allocate them for enquiry and review as per the Associations Complaints and Discipline Procedure.

Public expression of views
Any article written by an association member about a competition should show respect for competitors, judges and competition organisers.

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